• Tel. +34 872 59 17 21

  • Can Motes d’Ollers · Vilademuls · Girona

  • Pere Arpa

  • Pere Arpa

  • Pere Arpa

About our chef

Pere Arpa, executive chef of Casa Anamaria Hotel & Villas, was, until last year, owner and chef of the Ca l’Arpa restaurant in Banyoles, recognized for 14 years with 1 Michelin star and 2 suns from the Repsol Guide . The chef is responsible for three gastronomic spaces: Can Motes restaurant, Pool Bar and the venues for events. With Pere Arpa we are committed to a “traditional and representative cuisine of the Pla de l’Estany” that links “territory, culture and local products”. Poultry, head and leg with prawns, sautéed squid with neck bacon and sardines with chickpeas are some of the dishes on “a varied menu”.


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